Tyler Abell
I am Tyler Abell, a web and graphic designer studying architecture at the University of Kentucky.
Tyler Abell is the lead developer of a web and graphic design studio.
Tyler Abell's Background
Tyler Abell's Experience
Lead Developer at Enfuse Designs
January 2010 - December 2011
A web and graphic design studio that creates innovative designs to better the web and the graphic design community.
Lead Developer at Paradox Forums
August 2009 - December 2010
A forum for Halo 3, runs vBulletin. Work with MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, Html, Css, and XML.
Installing Mods and Code Implications.
Lead Developer at TinySave.net
November 2008 - August 2009
TinySave is a free service that provides URL compression, image uploading, file hosting, and a paste bin.
I am the lead developer and designer.
I am at http://tylerabell.com
August 2009
A personal website, A blog of Tyler Abell.
Tyler Abell's Education
University of Kentucky
2009 – 2013